Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Catchin' up, again!

In February, Josh took me to see Morcheeba. They are a British band, with sort of a loungy, bluesy, rock sound. Skye is their lead singer--she has a sexy, throaty voice, and Josh is in love with her. I love their music--we've got 3 CD's on the player right now!In March, we flew to El Paso to see the Revelation Reunion concert.It was more than just the band--Christine & I reunited, too. We hadn't seen each other in over 20 years, nor talked in 17. We re-connected on Facebook and have been emailing and talking on the phone. Seeing her was like stepping back in time! She was my best friend through High School and beyond, and neither of us would have survived without the other. I've missed her so much--and she is just as beautiful now as she was 20 years ago--she hasn't changed a bit!Martha and her daughters, Maja and Mia, met us at Jesus Chapel for the concert. It's SO nice to be loved! Later, Maja fell in love with Josh. He gets along so well with kids, and she was enamoured with him.Then the band took the stage. I haven't seen any of them in almost 30 years! Kevin Casteel is on the left on keyboards, Tommy Walker on lead guitar/vocal, James Thompson on bass and Evan Giallanza on rhythm guitar. Andy Buck was the original bass player, but Andy died of cancer a few years ago. It was a huge loss--Andy inspired me to play bass guitar (and I did, albeit poorly). I introduced Sandy and Andy and they got married after High School. Sandy wasn't able to make it to the concert.Tommy hasn't changed a bit! NOT ONE BIT!James has a goatee, and Evan doesn't have hair! He had the most beautiful, curly brown hair...Pick was on drums--he hadn't played drums in over 25 years, but didn't miss a beat (pun intended). He hasn't changed much, either.Chris & me with Evan. Kevin told us later that Evan has cancer, and that they almost cancelled the concert because he was so sick. I'm so glad that he was well enough to play!Me, James & Chris. Everyone used to tease me and James, saying that he was my big brother. We look enough alike that it could be true--and I always wished it was. I've always loved James in a special way. He looked out for me when we were young--he was the brother I never had.Me & Tommy. Wow, what a history we had! Tommy lived next door and took me to Jesus Chapel, and drove me to their concerts whenever James or Andy couldn't. I had a crush on Tommy through school. We went out on one date--what a disaster! I finally realized that my crush was just that--a crush--and it was fun. I still love Tommy to this day--he was a huge part of my life, my sanity, and my center when I needed somewhere safe to be and people safe to be with.Dale, Tommy's older brother. Dale led our youth worship, and we adored him. Dale taught me so much about God, Jesus, and being a Christian.Kevin, Chris & me. Kevin aged the most, but then, he was a lot older than the guys at that time. They were in Junior High and High School, and Kevin was a grown up.When we got back, Margaret brought my birthday present to Mark Rashid's clinic. Meet Miles, our canary! Boy, can he sing! He has LUNGS! LOUD LUNGS!!! You can hear him outside with the windows closed! He does sing beautifully, though--what a lovely little bird. He has white feathers on his wings and tail, and he's smart--he knows how to get me to give him brocollini!We had some fun in March--we went bowling. I am a terrible bowler. Josh is a very good bowler!Remember the ugly basement/craft area? We've been renovating the basement. The top is the new floor paint--after ripping out the asbestos tiles--and the bottom is the primer.It's been a lot of work. We couldn't deal with ripping out the paneling, so that's a project for another day. Ripping out the floors was enough!The huge closet is gone. We moved the washer and dryer, installed cabinets, and Josh painted the ugly almond fridge Ferarri Red!I hate painting. Fortunately, Josh doesn't mind. I helped a little, but he did the majority of the work.Josh is a painting FIEND!I am on the pilot union organizing committee. The FA's are organizing too--and they are already handing out interest cards. This is the company's response. We are supposed to be the "Employer of Choice," with an Open Door policy. This threatening, intimidating poster doesn't reflect that, does it? However, it's great--it's pissed off FA's so much that a lot who were on the fence decided to hand in cards because they were so angry at the company's dirty tactics. It also encouraged 2 First Officers to sign up for the pilot organizing committee. Ironic, isn't it! Jerry spent 32 years making this a good company, and Chip has destroyed it in 3--FA's, Pilots and Mechanics are organizing because we feel that we need to protect ourselves from management and Chip's destructive tactics. Our next project is to replace the 1970's disco porn light fixture in my bedroom.OMG it's awful. I bought a beautiful, vintage 1930's slip-shade chandelier, and will get pics when we hang it.I thought this was a funny little hook--looks like a little face with a big nose, doesn't it?Ridin' in STYLE!I went to the Pima Air Museum in Tucson in March.Pat was a belly gunner when he was 17. Yes, he fit into that tiny gunner's turret (he actually flew in THIS B-17)! He said it was a lot bigger than it seemed. I said he was a liar. He laughed. Stratofortresses!Touching, touching, always touching.....Or sitting on tires... I went to Pima and all I bought Josh was this crazy T-shirt! I love APOD--the Astronomy Picture of the Day. Google it and put it into your favs, and you'll see pics like these! We dug up the last of the ivy roots---took us 10-11 hours of hard, hard labour. I couldn't walk for two days! But, I got the garden in, finally! It took 1 bag of peat moss, 10 bags of compost, 5 bags of steer manure...and I'm hoping that the soil will recover from 50 years of being sucked dry by ivy. I got the containers planted, too. Kalisha helped--19 years old and still hasn't slowed down! So, that's what's been going on in my life! Hope spring has sprung wherever you are, and that you are gearing up for a fantastic summer!