Friday, July 22, 2011

Kalisha, 1993-2011

The sweetest, most beautiful kitty on the planet passed away this morning. I stole Kalisha from the Seattle Animal Shelter in 1993. They were going to euthanize her, and I shoved her under my coat and bolted. She was about 4 months old at the time.
Kalisha has been with me through 4 careers, 5 homes, outlived 3 dogs and a couple of boyfriends (no shock there).
She's seen every up and down, smile and tear, and good and bad day for the past 18 1/2 years. I've been blessed to have had her as a part of my life for most of my life, and I'm grateful to have been a part of hers for almost all of her life.
Her kidneys failed last night, though, and she & I decided that it was too much to ask of her to stay a little longer. So, I held her as she crossed the Bridge, where she will play with Jordan until I get home.
Purr, pretty kitty. Mommy loves you forever.

I did not send you away because I did not love you, rather, I loved you too much to ask you to stay....