Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween and OBAMA WINS!

We have a new President of the United States! I'm so happy, and I'm proud to have been a volunteer and campaigner for the Campaign for Change--I feel invested in this new presidency. I woke up this morning, excited about the future, and I haven't felt that way for a long, long time. Congratulations, President-elect Obama! Congratulations, America--get ready for an exciting, growth-filled four years!

Halloween was just before the election. I went over to Odette's to celebrate Sara's first Halloween. Sara was dressed as a bumblebee, and was SO CUTE! It was pretty cool to watch her figure out that candy goes into the bucket, then you can eat it.It was also amazing to watch her watch the other kids in costume. She was curious about them, but was scared of a Scream costume. Knowing that she has no context for that fear made it even more interesting to watch her instinctive reaction to back away. How do we know what to be afraid of? How do we develop our irrational fears? Well, regardless of that, when you are 1 year old, a good bottle will take care of most worries!

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