Sunday, December 28, 2008

Critters & Countdown to 2009

How was your Christmas? Mine was OK. I went out to the barn on Christmas Eve to spend some time with the boys. It was too cold to ride--the wind was blowing, and I'll bet that the wind chill was close to 0*! The boys are so furry--Ranger always grows a mink coat, and Beau puffs up and looks like Yoda! They got Christmas apples, which they loved.

I drove up to Boulder to meet up with some people for drinks and conversation, then came back to Denver to look at Christmas lights in my neighborhood.

I noticed that lights vary by blocks--one block featured no lights at all, and on the next block, almost every house was decorated. People still like to keep up with the Joneses, I think, and when one home sets an example, others often emulate it. Is that why, when a young family moves into an affordable home in a depressed neighborhood, then cleans up the yard, mends the fencing, paints the that the spark that revitalizes a neighborhood?

Afterwards, I went to the candlelight Christmas Eve service at a local United Church of Christ church. It's been a long time; it was good to be "home."

After the service, I came home and opened presents by the light of my little tree. I've got some amazing friends--Margaret got me some headbands that will fit under my helmet so that my ears will not freeze when I ride. Melissa always creates "giving" gifts--each year, she donates in my name to a charity that I'll like. This year it was the Amanda Foundation in LA, which rescues death-row cats and dogs from shelters, and re-homes them. if you'd like to know more or donate to a worthy cause!

Last year, she sent me a pound of coffee, the proceeds of which benefit third-world countries by buying solar lanterns for families. It's amazing to think of the benefits a solar lantern can provide--the children can study and read, without having to burn precious fuel needed for cooking--thereby improving the environment and air quality just a little, each time a lantern is used.

As many of you know, I didn't mail Christmas cards. I took the savings and bought toys at Dollar Tree and food at Target to take to the Salvation Army Family Emergency office. They turned away 350 families--with children--last month because they didn't have any food or supplies for them. When I got there, there was a sign on the door saying that they did not have food available until further notice. The office manager told me that the food I brought would provide for 12-20 families for Christmas. I brought enough toys for 30-50 children, too, so they'll get a little something this year. He said that this is the slowest year that he's ever seen--they hadn't had any donations at that office since Thanksgiving. So I started to wonder, what if everyone who reads this blog buys a large can of soup, or a bag of rice or beans every time you go shopping, and drops it off? What would that cost you--an extra $2? What if we each gave up a latte a month--$4-5--and sent a check for that amount to the charity of our choice? It's small, but it adds up, and if my little donation could feed 12-20 families, how many people could eat if we each gave a little? Please think about it, because I know that each of you eats enough every day, and sleeps in a warm bed every night. There are people who don't.

With only 3 days left in 2008, I know that it's time to reflect on the year, and make resolutions for 2009. I don't tend to make New Year's resolutions; I review my year on my birthday and write down my goals for the next year. What do you do? Do you make resolutions? What are yours for 2009? Did you accomplish any for 2008? I did--I went to Norway, I moved away from Colorado Springs, I got some bills paid off, and I bought my digital camera.

My 2009 goals include creating a bigger social circle in Denver, buying a condo, going to Africa to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, going to the inauguration next month (if you know anyone in DC who can let me crash on their couch, PLEASE let me know--right now, I'm planning to sleep at the airport!), going to the Flower & Garden show in February, and maybe attending the Kentucky Derby in May. I'd like to ride Ranger at our first USDF show to start our goal of a Bronze medal in Dressage, and to do as many VRH shows as possible--I'd love to win a belt buckle next year!

I'll have spring flowers in the house--two of my orchids have sent up spikes! My oldest orchid is going to bloom again-

as is my youngest.

I have no idea what the youngest flowers will look like; we'll see in a month or two!

I've been hearing scratching noises on the walls recently. Pileated Woodpeckers often perch on the sides of buildings, and I thought I might have a few by the windows. However, I saw a movement as I sat down at the computer, and suddenly someone was staring in at me! Hello, Rocky!I hope that you have friends, however furry, visiting you this holiday season. Thanks for being one of my friends! I hope that 2008 brought lots of good memories and accomplishments, and that 2009 will bring even more!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Zoo Lights

Wow, can you believe that we are entering the last 2 weeks of 2008? Christmas is a week away. I hope you are ready!

This is one of Horizon's Q400's in Boise last week. I LOVE the paint job! Foggy morning in downtown San Francisco last week--I love the way the fog is creeping over the buildings.We had a little bit of snow in Denver this week. This was Sunday morning. Look closely at the right side of the photo--there is a third airplane, but it's just a shadow, almost hidden by the snow! The high on Sunday was a whopping -2*...brrrr.....rrrrr..r.r....rrrrr...rrrrrrr!Poor Corey, one of our mechanics, had to come out to fix my plane. Don't you love his 1980's bank-robber ski mask? It was SO cold on the ramp--it was about -10*--yes, MINUS 10! Not quite the high of -2!Calgary got quite a lot of snow, too. This poor little tree was outside of my hotel room. I think it just needs a few lights and a star on top!
Jenny, James, Csaba, Kristen and I went to the Denver zoo for Zoo Lights. It had warmed up to a balmy 28*, so it was a pleasant night. Jenny said that she had 4 layers on. I had 3, including silk longjohns and a wonderful Eddie Bauer wool shirt under my down coat! I was warm, though!Now, the cool thing about Zoo Lights is that that they should be viewed with 3-D glasses! So, on with ours! Don't we look cool! Or is it "cold?"
This is what you see with 3-D! Awesome, isn't it? Can you see the tiger on the right side of the photo?This lovely fellow is a King Cobra. He wasn't amused with the laser focusing device. He was about 6 feet long.
James & Jenny in 3-D--
I think that this is the year of the Dragon. Or, maybe the zoo HAS a dragon? ! ?
What a wonderful package, with a bow on top!
I finally got this year's Christmas photos taken. Thought you'd enjoy the process of getting the perfect shot. Ranger is ALWAYS helpful!And cuddly!Checking to be sure my hat is secure...I probably need a kiss right about now! He's happy to oblige!Aha! The perfect, what are you doing?
We got one of the best Christmas gifts yesterday--Brett Ellis was born! Brett is Brian and Odette's second child, and Sara's baby brother. Brian took some photos which I'll upload in a day or so. Welcome, Brett!

Rangedeer, Beaudeer and I wish you a WONDERFUL Christmas!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Lights Parade

Lindsey, James, Jenny & I went downtown for the Christmas Lights Parade. It was very good--and we were pretty warm until the wind blew! Fortunately, a quick stop at Starbucks solved that problem...Enjoy the parade with us! I don't think that these guys were very cold! Yes, that's FIRE!There were plenty of marching bands, playing festive Christmas music. It sure got people singing along--rousing choruses of "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells...!" Their uniforms and instruments were lit up, glittery and sparkley, and they brought us all a lot of joy! There was a lot of wildlife-
Go penguin, go!Southwest Airlines was there, too! If you've ever been on an overnight with a SWA crew, you'll know why I'm classifying them as "wildlife!"No Christmas parade is complete without a Chinese New Year's Dragon!There were well-behaved horses....And not-so-well-behaved children!Dancing timepieces,Gingerbread houses, and Gingerbread men!Twirling poinsettias!The Nutcracker Suite...And the Nativity-the reason for the seasonaccompanied by Shepards and Angels.The most famous reindeer of all!Dancing, my name wasn't on any of them...Santa finally showed up...hooray! Merry Christmas! Are you in the Spirit, yet? If not, grab a Peppermint Mocha, put on some Christmas tunes, and let yourself be filled up with the magic of the month!