Ranger really didn't like this particular red steer--note Ranger's pinned ears.

This was the scene out of my window on my flight in to DEN last week, from Tucson. I think that my office has the best view!
I dove a little deeper into the tech world yesterday--I bought a Blackberry Pearl! When it arrives, I'll be able to surf the web, check email, get maps and GPS, and do everything a teeny-tiny hand-held computer phone can do. I'll let you know how it goes...but I have a sneaking suspicion that the phone is going to be smarter than me! It's definitely a step above the phone I have now--my Nokia has two photos--one of me & Sara, and one of Kalisha. It is out of memory with those two photos--isn't that ridiculous? The Blackberry has 64MG of memory, with an expandable memory card slot.
I'm also one step closer to my VersatilityRanchHorse.com website. I obtained a bid for design and service, and I like the designer a lot. I'm hoping to be online by the end of April, just in time for VRH season! My goal is that the website pays for itself, funds my Roth IRA, and helps to pay for VRH clinics and shows. Becoming a multi-millionaire might be nice, too, but I think that those goals are attainable.
I hope that the end of March finds you having as much fun as I did. Watch out for April Fool's Day!