Saturday, October 11, 2008

108 Calls, and Counting!

I finally got a chance to get down to Barack Obama's Denver HQ and volunteer my time. I spent a couple of hours on the phone, and made 108 phone calls! You know, it really felt GOOD to invest my time in something in which I really believe. And I believe in this election; I believe in this candidate. I'll be headed back to HQ this week, to donate a LOT more of my time.

There are many rumors floating around out there, so here's some information about Barack's positions on things I know are important to you:
-- Economy:
-- Health Care:
-- Education:

PLEASE take the time to educate yourself about this election. Don't just listen to the media, go to their respective websites and read Barack's plan, read John McCain's plan, and compare the two. Then decide where you think this country should go, how it should get there, who is most likely to acheive that, and should the worst happen--the VP becomes President, who you want leading the country for the next 4 years.

Do you really want to risk electing a ticket with a VP who doesn't know the limits of the office of VP and during the debate, said that she wanted to push those boundries (like she did as Governor, with ethics violations in order to terminate two employees--her ex-brother-in-law, and the man who wouldn't fire him?) (Oh, and your power extends to a tie-breaking vote, ONLY, Sarah!)? Or do you want a VP who has spent many years in Washington and understands the office of President and Vice-President, and who is supremely qualified for both?

Do you want a President who is going to take away some of your civil liberties--a woman's right to choose, union rights? Who plans going to tax your health benefits? Who wants to drill for oil in ecologically sensitive areas, destroying more of this country--and that oil will not be available for 10 years!!! (Obama's energy plan has American oil-INDEPENDENT in 10 years!!!! And it provides jobs here at home, in factories that are empty, employing people who have lost their homes and had to go on welfare because their jobs were shipped overseas!) Do you want a President who has voted with Bush 95% of the time--who thought that there were weapons of mass destruction and who helped authorize the war? Who said that our economy was stable? Who doesn't know how many houses he owns? Who wants us to stay in Iraq indefinitely? Or do you want a President with a plan that helps YOU, not his pocketbook and his kid's trust funds?

Do you want the money that you've contributed to be privatized--which means that it is put into the stock market? Can you manage your own stocks? Do you want to risk your retirement income? If your Social Security contribution had been privatized already, how much would it be worth right now? Senator Obama wants to fix Social Security, not privatize it at this point.

Some rumour quashing--Senator Obama is NOT Muslim. He is a Christian, with a strong faith in God. He is an AMERICAN, born in Hawai'i. He was raised by a single mom (like me) and had to put himself through college (as I did). No-one handed anything to him. There were no "silver platters" in the Obama household, just a lot of hard work and sacrifice.

He was the editor of the Harvard Law Review, and earned top grades at Harvard. Do you know how hard that is? He could have commanded any job, and any salary when he graduated, but he chose to go into public service on the community level.

He has worked hard to improve his life and his circumstances. He owns one house and two cars.

This is probably going to be the most important election in my lifetime, and it's something I strongly believe in. So let's talk about it. Ask me anything. Thanks. But whatever you decide, PLEASE VOTE!

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