Tuesday, October 28, 2008

SFO! Here we go to O! You!

What a terrific weekend! First, the view flying into LAX early Saturday morning (Oct 18th), from over Malibu. The fog was trying to roll onto shore. I thought it looked really neat.
Melissa's husband, Dean, bought tickets for the O! You!, the Oprah event. Melissa invited me, Diann and Renee to join her. It was a LOT of fun! Melissa & Renee picked me up in Oakland, and we drove to SFO to meet Diann, and four of their friends. I wasn't sure how long it would take as we approached the Bay Bridge--look at the traffic! I think this dog experienced the same misgivings as I!
We explored Pier 39, and ate the BEST dinner at one of the pier restaurants. I opted for Garlic Steamed Crab; it was delicious! Diann chose a wonderful organic merlot. I'm not much of a wine drinker, but really liked this selection. I think I've been able to convince Diann to buy me a bottle for my birthday (which is Nov 1st, for those who don't know! Yes, that's a hint!).
We got up bright and early (OK, sleepy and snarly) for the O! You! event. I spotted this artwork on the sidewalk on the way to the Moscone Center; we were walking through the Vietnamese district: Once a year, Oprah brings together eight amazing speakers for a day.You get to chose four; we saw Stacy London (from "What Not to Wear"), Marianne Williamson, Martha Beck and Suze Orman. Stacy was really funny and sweet. She was kind when pointing out "what not to wear," and even kinder when she spotted someone who was right-on in their look.
I had never heard of Marianne or Martha. Martha was very funny, and a kindred spirit--I will be buying and reading her books! We move at dawn....

Suze was just as amazing as she is on TV. She's furious at our government, and those who have created this economic crisis--she feels that they should all be in jail for the pain that they've caused so many people. She advocated paying off all of your credit, and to continue to invest in your 401K, IRA and the stock market, because although these are terrible times, stock prices are at all-time lows, so bargains are to be had. She feels that, in 5-10 years, a lot of wealth will be created from the purchases made now.
At the very end, Oprah made a surprise appearance! She's an amazing, electrifying speaker. I'd like to attend the taping of one of her shows; might have to add that to the Life List!
We ate (and drank) dinner at Bucca de Beppo. We liked this guy:
The weekend was a lot of fun! The best part was spending time with my friends...and Happy Birthday, Melissa!

Seven days until the election--don't forget to vote!!!!

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