Thursday, December 4, 2008

Let it SNOW!

We normally have about 10" of snow by Dec 1st; this year Denver has only received .1" snow...until today. It's been snowing all day. We're expecting 3"--I had at least that on my car this morning. I don't know why there's a patio table on this roof:I went to an REI seminar last night. REI has really good presentations; this one was about snoeshoeing routes. I bought snowshoes two or three years ago and intended to go, but spent the winter too sad to do anything. I bought appropriate clothing last year, but never did go. This year, one of the FO's I flew with recently wants to go, so we are planning an easy start as soon as enough snow is on the ground. There are several 2-3 mile routes within an hour's drive. Watch for photos of that event, when & if it happens!

I went to the Rocky Mtn Wildlife Refuge a few weekends ago on their photo tour, during which they seek the big bucks. The boys are out, chasing the does, so are readily available for photos. We came across this guy right next to the road. He was the biggest buck I'd seen all day! Can you see the does in the trees? How many can you count? There are 5, plus the buck... One doe laying down on the left, one standing, just behind her is the head of another laying down, one in the top middle of the thicket and one just above the buck. There was actually one more doe, between the standing and laying doe, but she hunkered down and didn't appear in the photo. So, this buck had a 6-doe harem!

The horses are adjusting well to the new barn. Ranger is going to LOVE his new neighbors; I met one a few days ago. Here's the rest of him: Kjell & I flew his last trip before he leaves. He is going to Dubai to fly for Emirates. It's not a lifestyle I'd want, but he & his wife feel that it will be a good adventure for themselves and their daughters. We'll all miss Kjell--he's one of the best pilots and delightful co-workers with whom I've flown--it's always a perq to fly with good people! Kjell graciously offered to let me stay with them if I ever want to visit, so I'll plan a trip after they get settled--before it gets too hot!We got great photos of Kjell's last trip. The badlands at dawn...when you fly west, you often chase the dawn or the sunset, depending on time of day. So, we saw sunrise four times: on Pike's Peak, the badlands, Bryce Canyon and the Sierras on Sunday. We flew over Yosemite, with Half Dome at first light. If it's snowing where you are, get out and throw a snowball or two, or make a snowman! Enjoy! Only 19 days til Christmas--are you ready?

1 comment:

Karen McLain said...

great night photo's, the lights and movement are nice.