Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Birthday, Beau!

Today is Beau's 23rd birthday! In horse-years, that's OLD! But, he's going strong, healthy and happy, so I guess he's one of those sprightly old guys. We celebrated with party hats... chocolate cake (is there any other kind?)...apples (THANK YOU Auntie Trish!)More cake...I was covered with icing!Portrait of the Birthday Boy! Isn't he handsome?Everyone celebrated, including Luis, our barn guy-Even Ranger partied...a little too much, apparently...Then, unfortunately, Beau got his teeth done. That torturous contraption holds their mouth open so that the dentist can file their teeth down. Horses' teeth grow continuously, and chewing grinds them into sharp points which hurt. Those points need to be filed every year.The drugs are great, though!Back in the stall...a little more alert. A little more over the hill, too...
Hope your day included a piece of cake and an apple!

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