Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dashing through the snow...!

As you may know, it's snowing here in Denver. Not just snowing, but DUMPING! I had to go to the barn during this blizzard to check Ranger's bandages and to give him bute (horsey vicoden). I also wanted to be sure that Beau was doing OK--it's a cold wet snow, and he's having trouble keeping weight on so I don't want him to get chilled. This is what I found...
I LOVE this photo--it looks like Ranger has an icicle hanging off of his ear!
Thank you, Dana, for blanketing Beau. He was toasty warm under the blanket!Just so you know--they can both go into their sheds to be out of the elements. Neither of them do, though. Ranger loves to play in the snow and I suppose he'll be rolling snowballs all day tomorrow!

I'm home now, drinking tea with some of the fabulous honey that John & I picked up at the Pike Place Market on our way to the Olympics. The snow is still falling, and should fall all night. Going to work tomorrow is going to be an adventure, to say the least...hope you are toasty warm with plenty of hay tonight!

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