Monday, February 27, 2012


I'm 2 months post-op now, and able to start physical therapy.  That means that I can get off the couch, lift things that weigh up to 10-12 lbs, and start turning my head.  That's it.  The doctor made it VERY clear that I am nowhere near healed, and I absolutely can't do anything strenuous or exert a lot of energy.  So there's still a lot of couch time, with a little activity interspersed.

One activity involves playing with the kittens.  Luna likes interactive play--you drag something, she chases it.  She doesn't care to bat toys around, so most of the mice and balls and feathers just gather dust on the floor.  She does like to be under things--the covers, the pillows, and the furniture.  You never know when she is going to be spying on you from some crazy vantage point.

Jazz, on the other hand, likes to play with anything he can bat around, but he particularly loves balls.  He fetches, and he likes to start the day at 6 am by dropping a ball onto my nose.  It invariably rolls somewhere near my mouth, and the smell of cat breath and kitty slobber usually rouses me enough to throw the ball.  Sometimes I throw Jazzpur, though.  It's hard to tell what you've grabbed at 6 am.

Another favourite activity of Jazz's includes candle-sniffing, particularly when they are lit.  Have you ever smelled burning whiskers?  Doesn't go with Vanilla Spice or Oatmeal Cookie or whatever the Scent of the Day might be...

I was able to have some friends over this week--David, Iris and Devon.  I work with all of them, although I hadn't met Devon until she came over with Iris.  We had lunch and snacks, and talked and laughed for a couple of hours.  It was great to have such good company!  We are planning to get together at David's next weekend and do it again.
So, things are going well.  I'm enjoying my down time, doing a lot of personal growth.  I'm catching up on my life, and with my friends.  I'm  finding out that some people I never thought would care have come through, and I'm cultivating better friendships with them, while some of my "die-hard, longtime" friends haven't shown up, called, or checked on me in any way, even though I've left message after message.

I'm re-thinking what it means to be a friend, and have decided that they no longer merit the energy I put towards them.  I still love those friends and will cherish the memories, but at some point you have to say "enough."  My time, energy and love are worth more, and other people apparently need me in their lives more--so they will get what I have to offer.

Thus, there's lots of "house-cleaning" in my life, not only literally, but figuratively, mentally and spiritually as well.  This is quite a journey!

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