Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day of the Dead

I don't recall if I included this previously, but it was last week at 6am at the airport. What a gorgeous sunrise! What was I doing up so early!?!
This was two days later (Thursday), driving to the airport to go back to work. I don't like pigeons, but do you see them all hunkered down at the top of the billboard? There had to be over 100 huddled together, trying to stay out of the wind and stay warm.I would never take pictures while driving, so I'm not sure how this got on my camera while I drove to work.People think that we have the most glamourous lives, flying all over the country, staying in 5-star hotels, like the one in Boise with the psychedelic carpet and seizure-inducing paneling in the elevator...Um...what is WRONG with this picture?Trish came over on Halloween after her church's Halloween party, where everyone had to dress as a biblical character. Doesn't she look lovely? She even had on silver eyelashes!

She also brought me a birthday present (Bath & Body works gift basket) and a cupcake! We watched Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone. It was a nice quiet birthday.I spent the night in Missoula, where they celebrate the Day of the Dead. They have a huge parade through downtown at night. It was a lot of fun!She mentioned having a bad headache and asked me for some aspirin.Saw something I just didn't need to see at the end of my trip. Really. Why? At work???
Thank you to everyone who sent Birthday wishes! It's nice to be remembered on your special day, isn't it?

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