Saturday, November 14, 2009

Me & Andy

JB Andrew is an amazing BLM mustang superstar. He was captured in Winnimucca, NV as a yearling and sent to Canon City Correctional Center in Colorado, where he was eventually gentled by an inmate. He grew to 16.2 HH (Ranger is 14.2 HH) and 1500 lbs (Ranger is 900 lbs). He was adopted by a woman who named him JailBird Andrew, after the inmate who gentled him.

Andy went on to become an outstanding dressage horse. However, nobody expected anything of him because he was a mustang, not an exceptionally well-bred registered warmblood like most other high-level dressage horses. Then Andy began moving up the levels, and people began taking notice. He was issued his own BLM Wild Horse Trading Card (which I have, of course).Then he was issued his very own Breyer model (which I also have, of course!).Doesn't Ranger look a lot like Andy?

Yesterday, I finally got to meet JB Andrew! Andy is 25 years old, now. He's still amazing, and what an ambassador for the BLM Wild Horse program! This was a total thrill for me, meeting such a superstar! His owner, Kelly, graciously let me sit in on a lesson that she was teaching, then let me meet, visit with, pet, and lead Andy around, as well as feed him carrots (which are also Ranger's favourite treat!).
Speaking of Ranger, it snowed here a week ago. We were out in it, of course, because he is still on stall rest and has to be walked every day for 10 minutes, so I'm out there, rain, snow, hail, brimstone or locusts...
Watching it snow...OK, it's cold enough. Let's go back inside where there's hay!Hope you aren't freezing! We're expecting 8-12" today, but I haven't seen a flake yet...

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