Thursday, January 7, 2010

Marvel the Mustang...and marvel the mess
Check that out--it's a :29 second video. You can probably guess that it was my fav when I was little.

Speaking of marvels, it's a marvel that this mess was ever cleaned up!Those are my Christmas ornaments. I downsized some more, and about 1/3 of them are finding new homes...

And speaking of messes, which mess should I get myself into? This one:Or this one?In the meantime, it's -5*F here. THAT'S COLD! My hottie neighbor helped me run an extension cord so that I could plug in the truck. It might not start in the morning, and I've got to go to work at 6:45a. Hope we get a heatwave of -3 or better!

And in the rest of the meantime, stupid Facebook is sucking ALL of my time away! Now I know what heroin must feel like--you think you can, but you can't stop!

Hope your new year is going well--mine is good so far--no injuries, no surgery. 7 days and counting! That's my only goal for 2010!

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