Sunday, January 31, 2010

Only 334 days until Christmas

Wow, is January over already? Only 12 hours left...

Had a good 3-day trip that took us through California. This week was much calmer and drier than last week, so it was enjoyable. These photos are from Redmond last week. We landed with a 30+ knot crosswind--the airplane was sideways. Look at that windsock sticking straight out! I always have to land in those conditions, since I'm the Captain. It was challenging, but we did it safely and without too much excitement. I took a photo of the low altimeter setting--and found out later that it was a record low! Normally, the altimeter averages just above or just below 29.92. 29.00 is LOW! Hurricanes aren't much lower! If you aren't a pilot, look right about the middle of the picture, then all the way to the right. It says "29.00 in" The stack of numbers above it is the altimeter. We set the altimeter setting to calibrate the altimeter, so that we know the exact elevation. Redmond is about 3075 feet. The "5000" above it is our altitude alterter--that's the altitude that we had set in case we didn't land--we would have climbed up to 5000' in order to be safely above terrain. The picture below is of the displays in front of me. To the left is my primary display, and to the right is my multi-function display, which shows a map overview of where we are, how long it will take to get to the next fix, how fast we are going and what the temperature is outside. It was 4C (38F) in Redmond. We did a long overnight in Ontario this week, and I got to see my Auntie Jeannie and cousin Denise. They drove out to have breakfast with me--one of the perks of the job is getting to see people more often.

Denise has lost 60 lbs since last Christmas--WOW, she looks fantastic! She did it by changing her diet a little--cutting out things no-one can pronounce, eating more veggies and leaner meats, using smaller plates for more realistic, healthier serving sizes, and walking a lot. She's up to 4-6 miles a day, including a lot of uphill walks.

Auntie Jeannie looks fantastic too! She is so beautiful, inside and out. I wish my personality were more like hers--she's always calm and accepting. She also gives the best hugs of anyone I've ever met! Everything is better after one of Auntie Jeannie's hugs!We saw the Sky Crane practicing touch and goes in Medford. This helicoptor picks up a big box of water, then carries and dumps it on forest fires, and also stocks lakes with baby fish.Allegiant pulled up next to us with their Blue Man airplane. I don't like the Blue Man group. I don't like anything expressionless--mimes, clowns, and blue men.This BBJ belongs to an Internet bigwig in California. Because of CA taxes, it is cheaper for him to base the airplane in Medford, then fly his pilot up to get it to bring it back to CA to pick him up. I love the paint job on this plane!On Friday night the moon was full, with Mars by its side. The moon is the closest it will be for the next 3 years, and because of its position it was 30% brighter than it normally is. It lit up our flight deck--I didn't have to use internal lighting to see charts! It was also good for making shadow animals... Hope you've put January to good use, and met your New Year's Resolutions thus far. I have--still going to yoga, and still haven't had stitches, crutches or surgery! Good job so far!

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