Monday, December 28, 2009

Resistance is Futile...

I joined Facebook. Not sure how I feel about having myself splattered all over the internet, with all sorts of people able to find me. There are a lot of people with whom I'm not in touch for a reason--do I really want them to find me? What do you do when someone you don't want in your life finds you on facebook?

Odette made a little window pop up and it scared me half to death, but we could email instantly. It was pretty cool! I think that's instant messaging, but I'm not sure.

I am sure that I miss stamps. When is the last time you received a hand written letter? Or sent one?

In more interesting news, I rode Ranger again today. I asked him for a nice extended trot and he transitioned to a right-lead canter--and it was one of the nicest transitions I've had in over a year. So, I decided to ask for a left-lead canter. We've had a lot of trouble with that--tail-swishing, ear-pinning, teeth-gritting, some bucking and some bolting. It's been hurting him to go left.

So, I asked, and got the ears, tail and teeth. After a stride or two, his ears came up and he gave a surprised grunt, so I slowed to a trot and asked again...and got the nicest transition! I could hear him yelling "IT DOESN'T HURT, WOW, IT DOESN'T HURT!" in his head! We would have scored HIGH in a dressage test!

I rode Beau, too, and he did a fabulous job. He sure likes to canter and gallop now that he realizes that he can step off from his hind end, and can carry himself correctly. It's taken 6 years to get to this point! He's become an absolute delight to ride. I sure wish that his previous owners had trained him for something--he would have made a terrific jumper--he's got fantastic natural form and scope. He's also VERY fast. His dam, Melody Maker, was a race horse. I wonder if Beau would have been good on a track... We'll never know. However, I think I'm going to take him to another novice show this spring, and see if we can't earn some AQHA points. He deserves to have something in his name that recognizes what a talented, wonderful horse he is.

Went to yoga tonight. I had no idea I was that tight and that stressed. Now I'm really sore from stretching out and loosening up, but it's a "good" sore. Can there really be a "good" sore?

I'm going to be in LA on the 30th, and Melissa, Dean, Greg and Mark WON'T! Now, how's that for luck? Better not go to Vegas this week. I'll be in El Paso for NY's and Martha WON'T! I might want to stay out of the way of meteors and Mack trucks, too!

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