Saturday, July 5, 2008

Back to Real Life...

Ah, vacation...isn't it nice? Too bad it has to end, but bills have to be paid!

Fortunately for me, real life is punctuated by a lot of fun, and a lot of cool stuff.

Last weekend, Beth, Jeannie, Donna and I took the horses to Garden of the Gods. That's Kissing Camels on the top right of the big rock! It was a beautiful ride--sunny, but not too hot. There were quite a few people hiking, and a few other horseback riders on the trails. Ranger really enjoyed himself...he likes to look at scenery, believe it or not! His head swivels as much as mine does when the scenery is lovely. I've noticed that most other horses move along without looking left, right, or up, but not Ranger!
We spotted a red prickly pear cactus--usually they sport yellow flowers, so this was a rarity.
You may remember, from a few blogs back, that my newest orchid was preparing to bloom. It did! Isn't it beautiful? It is a fragrant orchid, with a rich yet delicate scent that fills the house. I saw orchids in almost every home in Norway, in the windows, so again I'll assert that they aren't as hard to grow as "experts" claim--try one, but get it from a nursery rather than a grocery store. It will be in better health, and better climatized, so you'll have a better chance at success.
On my way home from work yesterday, I spotted this magnificent buck in full velvet. If I'm counting right, he's at least a 5-point (5 points on each antler; if you look closely, the big buds on the end are split). He lives about a mile from my house! I can't wait to see him with the other bucks, once they shed their velvet in a few weeks!I'm off to Joe and Carlyle's wedding reception in Erie, CO. That's up near Boulder. They were married in a quiet ceremony last month, and opted against the chaos of a wedding/reception on the same day. It's sunny and warm today, so should be a perfect day to celebrate a new life together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Testing to see if this works