Saturday, July 12, 2008

Spiders and Slides

Hi everyone! I changed the options for comments; you no longer have to register to leave one. Just choose the "anonymous" option. I'd love to hear from you, so please say HI! I also added the photos from Midsummer's night to the Norway blog--please check those out!

Remember the baby spiders that I spotted before I left for New York? There are about a million more, all with webs between every nook and cranny on my deck. That tiny little speck is shown against a 2 x 4! Here he is with macro-zoom! Wow!Last week, Barack Obama's plane made an emergency landing with the tail slide deployed. Well, guess what happened at Lincoln, NE airport this week? The fueler pulled the wrong handle and...ooops....!
I visited Kacey's accident site last Sunday. This was what I saw when I got home. It made me feel better, as though Kacey is saying "It's OK. I'm OK." We miss you, Kacey.

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