Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Two young men and a shovel

Wow, what a day! Kyle and Greg arrived this morning to undertake the task of rebuilding the retaining wall. The old wall, as you might remember, is below:
They had ALL of the rocks out within 1 1/2 hours!
It took 1 1/2 hours to lay the first layer of retaining wall.
From there, it was gravy! They had the entire wall COMPLETED in 4 1/2 hours, including breaks! GOOD JOB, GUYS!
Tomorrow, we'll add a rock row in front of the wall, and level sand behind it to reinforce the first row from critters and wash-outs. It will also help with continuity for the rest of the wall, which is still rock. The blocks will go as far as the new stairs, which will come down to basement level, and the rocks will continue out the other side of those stairs. We'll also back-fill behind the new wall with sand. We put a lot of rocks and all of the broken concrete from the shed behind the wall as filler. Now I don't have to pay to have it hauled! Double bonus!!!

Next, the deck!
Also, pretty good news. Although I do have a couple of tears in the rotater cuff tendons, they aren't bad enough for surgery at this time. I got a cortisone shot today, and should have relief in a few days. I will also be doing some physical therapy to help strengthen those muscles.
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