Saturday, February 7, 2009

Home, Home on the Front Range...

I GOT IT! I'm a homeowner again!

The bank negotiated with my Realtor for a couple of days. We finally went under contract yesterday. I know that this economy is brutal for a lot of people, but it's also a good opportunity to build wealth and security, whether it's in real estate, stocks, or other investments. This duplex is an amazing opportunity.

Closing will be in early March. That will give me 6 or 7 weeks to make necessary repairs, changes and updates to the duplex before my lease is up on the apartment.

On the to-do list:

*Remove the carpet and refinish the hardwood floors
*Remove the enormous glass block window in the bathroom, frame out the hole, and install a normal window at a normal height. That will leave a hole in the travertine tile surround. I'd like to repair it with a cool geometric pattern--any ideas?
*Replace a broken doorknob--did I tell you that the doorknobs are the orignial beautiful cut-glass knobs? The rest of the hardware is gold-coloured--brass, perhaps?
*Install smoke- and CO2-detectors
*Rearrange the kitchen, install new appliances and granite countertops
*Repair/replace the fence
*Remove bark and nasty lava rock on the side of the house; replace it with river rock
*Install a new, functional garage door
*Build an arbor and flagstone patio in the back yard, and buy a nice, new grill

Want to help?

Start planning now for spring and summer BBQs, OK?

My friend Erick got his online store up and running. Erick is a very talented jazz musician, artist and photographer in El Paso, TX. Check out his store: Erick sent a print of the 4th in his chili series to me for Christmas--I can't wait to see it framed and on the wall in the new duplex!

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