Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rolling on the Floors...ROFL???

Trish & I went to Home Depot a few days ago so that I could pick out vinyl for the rentals. I knew that a roll of vinyl was going to be a nightmare, since there was a really good chance that I'd be installing it myself. I considered industrial vinyl tiles, but they involved glue and a mess.

We saw a vinyl wood-like product, and decided that it would be the best, easiest way to go. Like laminate, it creates a "floating floor," so there's NO glue involved. The vinyl sheets stick together with a press-together adhesive system. See the dark edge below? That's the "under" glue. The next piece has a matching "over" glue on the bottom side of the sheet--lay it down tight, press together and it's almost impossible to take apart after a minute or two (thank goodness for that minute or two for mistake-rectification!). It cuts with a box cutter, so no special tools or heavy lifting are required.

I got to the duplex around 2:30p, and it was off to the races!
This stuff goes down quick!Wow, 3 hours later, I was DONE!
I still need to run a line of caulk around the edges, and replace the quarter-round, but that's it. I'm almost done! Thursday's projects include buying and installing a new washer/dryer and refrigerator.

And the exciting news of the day? A young couple with a baby filled out a rental application today!

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