Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

What are you doing today? I had planned to have my housewarming party this afternoon, but everyone I invited is either working or has other plans. I guess I'll have to do it another time; maybe later in the month.

I went over to City Park last Sunday for the weekly jazz concert. It's a weekly event, and thousands of people show up!So do geese--27 goslings between 3 pairs--wow! How do they manage? Or stay sane? Don't you love this scene? Tiny girl, enormous Great Dane. And these pups sure were traveling in style, weren't they?
I went up to Keystone on Tuesday. I haven't been up to the mountains of Colorado yet. My friend invited me to come up for the Porsche show. He has a beautiful 993; it's one of only two in the US. Jerry Seinfeld owns the other one! I took lots of photos, naturally, and uploaded them to in case you want to take a look.

Afterwards, we went out for sushi. Now, you wouldn't expect to find excellent sushi in Keystone, would you? Here's a Dragon Roll beautifully presented.On the way home, I saw a sign that said "Big Horn Sheep Viewing Point." And I'll be darned, if there weren't Big Horn Sheep viewing the highway!Hope you have a wonderful 4th!

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