Saturday, October 10, 2009


Yup, that's what it is: SNOW!!!! Cold, white, accumulating SNOW!!!! And it's not even the middle of OCTOBER!

Here's my backyard and garage wall. Pathetic front yard that still hasn't been roto-tilled nor sodded...check out the new spruce. More pathetic un-sodded front yard. Note my lovely new pine tree.
On the brighter side, I saw my doctor yesterday. She recommended heat, now, to break up the hematoma. I also saw my acupuncturist, and she treated the leg. The swelling and pain are down significantly today! I can almost walk on my leg! The doctor wants me to stay on crutches over the weekend, then try going without on Monday. She also wants me to start stretching and bending my leg on Monday, too. Stitches can come out on Wed or Thursday. I can go back to work when I can bend my leg at least 75% of normal. I can get about 5% right now, which is better than it was mid-week--I couldn't bend it all.

Ranger is going back for a second treatment on the 20th. I'm supposed to be working, but another boarder is taking her horse to the clinic, and offered to take Ranger with her so that I don't have to take that trip off. Wow, what a godsend! The people at my barn have really stepped up to help out. There is a contingent who offer to walk Ranger every day, so he's been getting his 10 minutes daily. I'm so humbled to have so many nice people--some of whom barely know me--helping out just because...

Stay warm! I'm making chili later if you want to stop by!

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