Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Sunday was a pretty funny day. I was still on crutches but decided to try to walk Ranger without them, just limping along. I made it about 200 feet before I faded.

Dana was walking with me. She had carpel tunnel surgery recently and has pins sticking out of her wrist under a hard cast, so she was hurting too much to hold his lead rope.

Priscilla drove up in her truck and offered to walk Ranger, but with a condition--I had to drive while she sat in the bed of the truck, holding Ranger's lead rope. You see, Priscilla fell off of her horse 6 months ago and broke her back, so she can't risk being pulled sideways. Facing him from the bed of the truck doesn't place any risk on her back. And I can drive because I don't have to bend my leg, just my ankle.

So, there we driving, Dana riding shotgun because her legs worked (just in case Ranger got loose) and Priscilla sitting in the back, handing mouthfuls of hay to Ranger, who thought the entire setup was great!

The wounded leading the, THAT'S teamwork!

Stitches came out yesterday and I'm allowed to go off the crutches. I hobbled around pretty well yesterday, and today I'm just limping. I'm pretty sure that I can go back to work on Sunday...we'll see!

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