Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas, Airline Style

Well, this is a pretty good ending to the year...look what arrived yesterday! My armoire! It only took them SEVEN MONTHS (!!!!!) to repair it! But, it's home.Airline people never have holidays on the holiday. We're always flying you to Grandma's house, or home to see your folks. Even better this year, I got to fly a bunch of our military personnel home to see their families. I announced it every flight, and each time the entire airplane erupted in cheers, no matter how delayed we were. Passengers really stepped up to thank our service members for thier commitment and sacrifice.

Trish is going to CA to see her family, so we had Christmas dinner last night. I roasted a duck, made mashed potatoes, greeen beans, foccaccia bread and pumpkin pie. We had a bottle of wine that I got in Montana. Everything was excellent, if I say so myself!

We also exchanged gifts. I got Trish a new helmet, and a pair of slightly fuzzy slippers...Trish got me a globe, Susan Boyle's CD, and stuffed my stocking full of chocolate and other delectable goodies! Kalisha got a couple of balls and a mousie that moves!Trish also got me this hilarious Ranger & Beau ornament-And Santa with an airplane--and the propeller spins!I wanted to share more of my decorations with you. This is my tree. The Angel has topped our tree almost all of my life. I don't remember a Christmas when she wasn't up there.Many of the above ornaments have also been on my tree all my life. The angel in the blue drop is part of a set of musical angels with mostly stringed instruments. The cotton snow is still intact. She is playing a violin, but there is also a harp, cello and flute.

The blown glass ornament in the lower center is from Germany, again, part of a set.

The little triangular manger scene at the top center has been around forever, and is probably my favourite ornament. It's simply Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus, with a star above. Simple, yet everything.

My nativity scene fits beautifully on the new oak table. Do you have plans for Christmas Eve? I'm going to go to a candlelight service, then come home, light candles, put on Christmas music and read the Christmas verses aloud, which I do every year. Tomorrow I'll open the rest of my gifts--Thank you Mary and Margaret!

What are your traditions?

I wish you the merriest of Christmases, surrounded by those you love.

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