Thursday, December 24, 2009

Yes, Karen, there is a Santa Claus

Merry Christmas!

I don't think that I'm one of those people who asks God or Santa Claus for much. Mostly, I just ask that people I love are taken care of, especially when they are hurting.

As you know, Ranger has been injured for over 4 months. We didn't know--didn't think--he'd ever be rideable again, due to the broken bone in his leg.

We've been religiously following his rehab and physical therapy regime, and Dr. Olds said that if he doesn't show any signs of lameness, I could try riding him again.

So, THANK YOU God and Santa, for hearing my prayers and answering my wishes today. I think he was as excited as I was--he grabbed his bit from my hands, and stood like a rock for me to get on. I think he's missed riding as much as I have. I don't know what the future will hold for Ranger; he could end up lame again, because we don't know whether or not the sound wave therapy is making any difference. Time will answer that question.

But, for today, I got the one Christmas wish I've asked for every single year, since I was a tiny little girl--I got my pony. And tonight, he's OK.

Merry Christmas to you and yours, and to all a good night!

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