Saturday, March 20, 2010

Olympic Odyssey-Vancouver 2010

One of my Life List items was to attend an Olympics. The Winter Olympics were in Vancouver, BC this year, so I was able to get tickets. My cousin John, whom I hadn't seen in over 25 years, was able to go with me. I picked John up in Seattle, and off we went.

First stop--a quick visit with my mom.John has never been to Seattle. Thus, Pike Place Market was a must.Can't miss the Flying Fish! Go Salmon Go!Monk fish...ugly, scary and delicious.Pike Market offers both food and crafts. These teapots and tableware are at Market Spice, which also carries my favourite tea in the world--Market Spice Tea. It's a delicious blend of cinnamon and orange. It's the ultimate cold weather comfort tea.Mount Rainier was out for John's visit. I've always felt that it's a great day if you can see Tahoma (NOT Tacoma! Tahoma is the Native American name for Rainier!)

It's also a great day if you can see Safeco field, home of the Mariners (far right) and Quest Field, home of the Seahawks (center).Alki Point at sunset.The waterfront totem pole is behind John, who is trying to figure out his new-fangled digital camera. I had the same learning curve with mine!Quick side trip up Chuckanut Drive to look for fossils! We decided that, in the big picture, we were just a couple of squirrels...or nuts...
Stanley Bridge. Probably shouldn't be taking photos while driving. BAD KAREN! But, it's a cool shot, isn't it?Our lovely accomodations are to the right, next to the elevated train. Right next to the train. The train that goes by every 2 minutes, 24 hours a day.Some of the more distinguished residents-We loved this...look at the detail around the rim!The every 2 minutes, 24 hours a day train. All night long.Our view. Yes, that's a giant soldier on the Fraser River.Our neighborhood. Eclectic to say the least. Hmmm, burgers, sushi, bagels and ice, we didn't eat there.The famous $10 mittens. You HAD to have a pair if you were going to be one of the cool kids. We looked EVERYWHERE for those damn mittens, and only children's sizes were left. So, we were not cool.Jennie was cool. She was an Olympic volunteer who helped us figure out where we were going.
On the train, arriving at Olympic Village Station. It's finally REAL! I'M AT THE OLYMPICS!
Downtown VancouverCanada Place village
My friend Kerim is living in Vancouver. He roomed with my friend Melissa in LA over 20 years ago, and that's when I saw him last. So, Vancouver was a total reunion. Kerim is a musician and he's crossing off some Life List items--he released an album recently. See and take a listen--he's really good! His CD has been released in Japan and Europe; you'll have to order it if you want it here in the US. In line for Hockey--Norway vs. Slovakia!And finally--inside an Olympic Venue! Is this cool or what?
It was a fun, fast paced game.
Slovakia won, and proceeded to the playoffs.
Canada won their hockey game against Germany to proceed to the Gold medal game against the US, and the reveling in the streets was insane. This is the Flag Lady, who lives in NY, but took a residence in Vancouver for the Olympics.
The Royal Mint minted the Olympic medals.
Back to the hockey arena for more hockey--the playoff game to advance to the gold medal game--US vs. Switzerland. We got scalped tickets for $100!
Ryan Miller of the Buffalo Sabres was our goalie. He was fantastic! The US team didn't play that well; Ryan saved goals, keeping us from being beaten by the Swiss, who really should have won the game. Bonus--I got a SIGNED puck!
Rob was one of the ushers.Patriotism was everywhere!We met Han and Yena, from South Korea. Han has invited me to visit, so that's in the works right now. Probably later this year.Score is 0-0 in the last few minutes of the 3rd period.And SCORE! US wins, advancing to the Gold Medal playoffs! 1-0!!!!The Olympic Flame. Doesn't that send chills up your spine? All the way from Greece...This is Gabriella, from Hungary. She was an acrobat/trapeze artist in the circus. She now dances in a magic show after a back injury. She was there to cheer on the Hungarian women's short track team.The Pacific Coliseum--Home of ice skating and short track speed skating.Everyone was excited about speed skating.OK, so my secret dream was to see Apolo Ohno skate. Several heats went by. No Apolo. Just when I was resigned to not seeing him in person, I looked down...and there was the bandana!If you were watching on TV, you probably heard me screaming, "OH MY GOD IT'S APOLO!!!"
He's on the far left. Right after the start, the South Korean fell, leaving Charles Hamline from Canada and the Chinese skater in the race.Apolo and Charles on the last half of the last lap. GO, APOLO, GO!!!
Apolo makes his famous inside move. GO, APOLO, GO!And wins his heat. He skated in the medal race two nights later, but was disqualified there. Hamline won the Gold.
The South Korean finishes the race as Apolo catches his breath after the finish line.Just in case you want to see the race over and over and over and over again, here's the video from my camera! Go, Apolo, GO!
The women's 3000M relay was INSANE! 20 women on the ice at once, dashing in and out of the lanes to push off of their teammates. The US women lagged far behind, and were almost lapped by the South Koreans. China held second, and Canada third almost the entire race.
Pushing off for the relay. The incoming skater jumps in front of the outgoing skater, who then pushes her off.
The incoming skaters are on the top, getting ready to jump in.
The South Koreans crossed the finish line first. They were ecstatic.
Lots of support from home.
The Chinese were second.And the Canadians came in third. I think the American women were still finishing the race since they'd been lapped at that point.
Then, tragedy. The South Koreans were disqualified. One skaters' skate touched a Chinese skaters' skate. The subsequent uproar was amazing. Later, a couple of judges said that they should not have been dq'd. The touch did not slow the Chinese or keep them from advancing.
Thus, the Chinese took Gold, the Canadians Silver, and the American women, who were still trying to catch up, Bronze.
I ran into the Gregg family. Their daughter, Lindsey, was on the women's short track team. They graciously let me hold the Olympic bouquet. WOW! Jamie Gregg, far right, was on the men's long track team--7000M. He took 8th place.
With that, our Olympic Odyssey was complete. We headed back to Seattle early in the morning. Our finale coup was in Skagit valley, where a flock of trumpeter swans had stopped on their journey north.
I hope that you have a Life List of the cool things that you want to do or experience while you are here on Earth. This was one of the most exciting things I've done in a long time--what a wonderful week! Thank you, Canada, for your graciousness in hosting the Olympics--and congratulations on the GOLD in Hockey! And GO, APOLO, GO!!!!!!


Kim said...

Great pictures Karen. So glad you and John had a great Olympic experience!

Unknown said...

Wonderful, Karen! I felt like I was along on the trip. Thanks for sharing your Olympic experience!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog. How exciting!

Love, Diann

aunt jeannie said...

great adventure!! you go girl! cram in everything you can. life is for living and enjoying. so glad you stop to smell the roses.
love you bunchers.

Unknown said...

Wonderful Karen! xox - Greg