Friday, March 6, 2009

Demolition Day!

Wow, it's amazing what you can do with a crowbar and a hammer! Today was DAY ONE of the HALF-DUPLEX DEMOLITION DERBY.

This is the half-duplex in which I'll be living--and I'll refer to it as the "house" from now on, since I also own a full duplex as a rental (or will at the end of the month, when we close). I think calling them "the full duplex," which is the tan brick building in which both units are rentals (see yesterday's blog), and "the half-duplex," the white & green half of a duplex in which I'll be living (see the blog from a few weeks ago), is too confusing. So, from now on, it's the house and the duplex. The house is close to City Park. The duplex is close to Lowry and the Community College.

Bill met me at 7a and we got started. Here are "before" photos...note the outlets with the conduits running up outside the walls.
Here are "after" photos. That black hole is a wonderful live outlet box that I discovered behind the tile. None of the wires were capped--what a total fire hazard! Fortunately, it was my only real surprise behind the tile. I still have to take the cabinets out, though. Who knows what's behind them, besides mice and spiders? The sink wasn't even secured onto the countertop--and there wasn't anything supporting the entire 4 feet square of counter to the right of the sink! It was just hanging in space! No wonder it sagged a little!I removed the electrical outlets that were mounted on the walls. This is the electrical mess, run through the cabinets, as a result of the "quick electric" project. That conduit continued out the right side of the cabinet and ran behind the stove:I removed the gargage disposal (which was corroded and therefore garbage!). Here's the sink without the disposal. Note the extremely professional outlet with the wires safely wrapped under & over the water lines.After I unplumbed the sink, I removed the dishwasher, then went into the bathroom and unplumbed and removed the vanity. Yay, me! Remember the old vanity (below)? It will be going over to the duplex for a new home. It will do a good job replacing the vanity with the drawer that won't close. That vanity will work perfectly in the other unit, because the toilet is on the other side, the drawer side, so the vanity can be offset to accomodate the plumbing.

Did I mention that my toilet isn't actually attached to the floor? Bill is rounding up a plumber to install a flange and set it properly. I guess the former owner just sat carefully so as to not move the toilet, so that it wouldn't leak. Unfortunately...well, you can imagine the rest of that story...Bill ran the new gas line for the gas stove:Bill also fixed some plumbing and helped me with everything that required stronger biceps than mine. You can see the electrical mess. The small holes in the wall are the new plumbing for the water line to the fridge.He also cleaned the furnace.We'll be back at it on Monday. Monday's projects include cabinet removal, drywall repair, swapping out light fixtures, repairing the fence, repairing the flashing on the roof and a few other "honey do's." Stay tuned for more surprises!

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