Sunday, March 22, 2009

Play Day!

Today was PLAY DAY! Look at my new toy:Yup, it's a super-duper pruning saw on a 12' extension! I got busy on the obnoxious tree that the city actually owns, but apparently I am responsible I cut off everything hanging over my house! Look at that PILE! Do you remember the earlier outside view--the branches were hanging over the walkway and touching the roof? No more!
Jose got to the house bright and early and got started on the toilet. This is what it's SUPPOSED to look like! No flange yet, that's to come.I had forgotten my cell phone and needed to make a Home Depot run, so while I was gone, Jose scraped up all of the mold and cleaned the floor. Wow, thanks Jose! That wasn't in the job description--again, that kind of above & beyond service earns my business forever! Don't forget, he's doing this on a SUNDAY morning! All of the mold, and the flooring, is GONE! That's the inner workings of the jetted tub, by the way. My next project is to lay the new subfloor. Jose will come back at that time and install the flange and bolts, then I'll lay tile. He'll come back one more time and set the toilet.Today was play-day at the barn. It was sunny and 70*. Beau and Ned, the two old guys, were acting like young studs. Later, I discovered a couple of very attactive mares turned out in the next pasture. No wonder they were acting like spring chickens!Ranger dropped in to see what they were doing. I don't think he was welcome.Mom, he's bothering me!!!The llamas got into it as well. Salvadore likes to grab the other llama by the halter and lead him around.Wrasslin'!What a GORGEOUS mustang! :-)
I hope you had a spring-like day! It's not going to last for long--we're supposed to get SNOW tonight!

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