Thursday, March 19, 2009

Red, Red, Go Away...

Now you see it....Now you DON'T!!! Yippee! Hooray! It took TWO coats of primer, but the red wall is now white. It will be a sand/tan colour before long, with white trim. One small problem...the former owner may have used oil-based paint. If so, the primer won't stick, and I'll have a disaster on my hands. Keep your fingers and your paintbrushes crossed!

Speaking of disasters, take a look at this. Yes, it's where the toilet sat (NO--that's WAX to the left! I'm not THAT bad! And no, the plastic bags weren't clogging the pipe--I put them there to keep sewer gas out) you see bolts? Do you see a flange, which you need between the toilet and the sewer pipe? NO.


So, I'll be taking out the tile floor so that the toilet can be set properly, with bolts and a flange. I guess that's OK. I'm not crazy about the tile, nor the crud in the grout, nor whatever might be growing in the crud in the grout. The tile surrounding the tub is coming out too, so I guess I can pick my own colours to match the new vanity. Still...YUK!

On to more tasteful decisions! The ceiling in the dining area is lower than the other rooms, in order to create some ambience, I guess. Thus, I need a very low profile light fixture. I saw this in a store--it's silver tract lighting with bare bulbs. They strung crystals on fishing line and looped them over the fixture. I LOVE IT, don't you???
My last trip started with a grin--when is the last time you saw a gentleman wearing a fedora? Especially a YOUNG man? :-)Are hats making a comeback? I hope so--didn't that bring a smile to your face?

On a more somber note, I want to send my most heartfelt condolences to my friend Baze, to Kim, and Baze's family. Baze's father died unexpectedly yesterday morning after falling during a walk the day before. I'm so sorry, Baze, for your loss.

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