Monday, March 9, 2009

Now You See It, Now You Don't!

Well, what do you miss the most? The ugly cabinets? The modern, well-sized vanity with it's matching faux oak medicine cabinet? How about the hole in the fence where the panel blew down last week?

Bill & I got another early start--when we scheduled, we forgot the switch to Daylight Savings Time, so we were out before the sun was up! We got all of the kitchen cabinets removed. Here I am pulling cleats off of the ceiling.

Don't you love my fashionista safety glasses?Bill found the mouse's personal entrance--when the last contractor plumbed, the hole between the crawl space and the kitchen wasn't sealed. WOW, the mice thought, DISNEYLAND with FREE SNACK FOOD! We found more than one mouse dropping behind the sink cabinets! ARGH!The bathroom vanity will soon be residing in the duplex. You can see how well the old 24" vanity fitted the space. I found a 30" vanity that I LOVE at Home Depot. It will be topped with a granite counter, and under-mounted sink. It will be joining us once the plumbing is repaired--there's a small leak, and NO HANDLES! WHY do people do stupid things, like remove spigot handles????????? Why? WHY, WHY, WHY????

Yes, I said "WHY" a LOT today...We got the fence and gate repaired and tidied up the garage doors. Bill took down the remains of the jerry-rigged porch light, which was spliced to the wires from the backyard security light, then run through a fifteen foot conduit tucked under the eaves with handy-ties.

I got the enormous rose in the backyard pruned almost to the ground--it's clearly very old, and should be spectacular when it blooms, now that it's not blooming on spindly old canes. We also trimmed the hemlock tree in the front, and repaired the fence boards that were damaged when a big limb broke off of it.

My best coup today was finding laminate hardwood flooring at Home Depot--special purchase, 99c/sq ft. Wow, now THAT'S a SALE! So, the "hardwood or carpet" dilemma has been solved. I can't put a decent carpet down for that price. I really wanted hardwood throughout, so I'm thrilled. Now, if I can only find really good deals on everything else I need!

Spring must be here. A flock of about 30 house finches made a visit outside of my window yesterday. You should have heard them singing--they'd give a canary a real run! Watch out, American Idol, these babies have PIPES! Look at the red on the males--I wish the camera had picked it up a little more, because it was really vibrant. Have you seen any spring birds around your place?I hope your day is delightful! Get out and enjoy it, OK?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Think of demolition is like an archaeological dig, you get to find all the history of a place and it becomes a story of its own and how it transformed over the years! I see you're keeping busy! - xoxo - Greg